What are the advantages of fiber optic cables over traditional copper cables?

What are the advantages of fiber optic cables over traditional copper cables?

Fiber optic cables have several advantages over traditional copper cables:


Vitesse : Fiber optic cables can transmit data at much higher speeds than copper cables. Fiber optic cables can achieve speeds of up to several terabytes per second, while copper cables are typically limited to speeds of several gigabits per second.


Distance : Fiber optic cables can transmit data over very long distances without losing signal, while copper cables have distance limitations due to signal weakening.


Safety : Fiber optic cables are safer than copper cables because they do not produce an electromagnetic field and cannot be easily hacked. Copper cables can be intercepted by hackers and signals can be listened to remotely.


Reliability : Fiber optic cables are more reliable than copper cables because they are resistant to corrosion, moisture and electromagnetic interference. Copper cables can be affected by environmental conditions and electromagnetic interference.


Cost : Although fiber optic cables are generally more expensive to purchase than copper cables, they have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance. In the long run, fiber optic cables can be more cost-effective than copper cables.

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